Dr. Jack L.
Lesson 10
The First Four Days Of Creation
The First Four Days of Creation
A. Genesis 1:1 gives an all inclusive
statement that God is the Creator of the universe. From Genesis 1:2 to 1:31, we
are given a record of how God created all things with attention shifted
completely on the earth.
B. Genesis 1:2 gives a picture of the earth in its most
primitive state in which primeval waters covered the earth. Up until Genesis
1:9, the earth was actually covered or surrounded by water.
A. God, by a spoken word, called light into existence. The
omnipotent God begins to create. Immediately it is seen that God is divinely
powerful, intelligent and far above the level of His poor creatures (Psa.
B. Light was the first and most essential element in creation,
for until this time there was nothing but darkness. PROBLEM: How could there be
light before the sun, which was created on the fourth day? ANSWER: The source
of light may have been different than what we know it today. Modern science has
shown the existence of light apart from the sun, as in the case of
phosphorescence and the phenomena of the aurora borealia (northern lights).
Probably it was at this time that other forms of energy, such as heat,
ultraviolet light, radio waves, and atomic radiation sprang into existence.
NOTE: The Apparent Age theorists do not have near the problem with light as do the age-Day theorists, for they must believe
that there were millions of years of vegetation before there was a sun.
C. God saw that His creation of light was good (excellent) and
he divided darkness from Light and called it night and day. The evening and the
morning were the first day. While the sun was not yet created, the succession
of evenings and mornings indicates that the earthÕs axial rotation had begun.
The day was equivalent to what we know as a solar day,
A. The second most important creation was that of the firmament
(expansion). This probably refers to the troposphere, which extends from earth
upwards about 10 miles.
B. God divided the primeval waters into two great reservoirs.
The waters above the firmament were most likely in the form of invisible water
vapor (a water canopy), which is no longer in existence because of the rains in
the Flood. The waters under the firmament still constituted a shoreless ocean.
NOTE: This is the only creative act that is not concluded with Òit was good.Ó
Perhaps God thought the second day of creation incomplete without the third
A. Land and Sea.
God now caused the dry land to rise from the ocean and the ocean to
retreat into lower basins forming a network of seas. The rushing of great
amounts of water over the rising land would have caused great geologic change.
The ninth verse surely teaches that what we call geologic formations took place
in titanic and gigantic measure at a vastly accelerated pace in a truly miraculous
creative work as astounding as the rest. God said this was good (excellent).
B. Plants.
Now God creates vegetation upon the earth, for He is preparing the earth
for habitation (animals and men).
1. In the creation of the third day, the
earth becomes the mediate agent for all plant life, being commanded to produce
whatever vegetation is necessary by a process of highly accelerated growth.
2. There are three basic classifications
of plant life: tender grass (mosses and other plants designed to carpet the
earth), herbs (the vegetables, or at least, generally speaking, everything
between grass and trees and, without a doubt, the various grains), and fruit
trees bearing fruit, nuts and cones and all bushes yielding berries).
3. It is important to realize that the
herbs were already bearing seed and the trees already yielding fruit, as soon
as they appeared. This also implies that the Òdry landÓ which had just
previously come from the waters was already prepared with suitable soils
and nutrients for the plants. Everything was created in fully developed,
completely functioning form. Everything had the appearance of age.
4. Each plant had its own seed and
produced after its own kind, which sets a peculiar and definite limitation upon
mixing of different kinds. This is contrary to the teaching of general
a. Organic evolution states that life
originated from non-living material and that all living things developed from
lower forms of life. In relation to plants, the evolutionists say that
sequoia trees evolved from a single cell and virus The theory of evolution must
hold that there can be no fixed limits to the possibilities of variation in
living things, for the theory of evolution must hold that there can be no fixed
limits to the possibilities of variation in living things, for the theory
assumes that all living things in the world today, both plants and animals,
have developed from a single-celled organism. NOTE: Yet, nature itself shows us
that there are fixed limits between kinds or species of plants. EXAMPLE: It is
quite possible to cross a peach tree and a plum tree and get a nectarine, for
they are of the same general family. But no one has ever yet crossed an onion
plant with a peach tree.
b. It is quite obvious that there may be
variation within kind (species) in the plant world. If this is what some mean
by evolution, than all creationists are evolutionists in a limited sense, for
all creationists believe that from any species (kind) in its wild form there
may be various genetic possibilities But there is no hybridizing
(interbreeding) between distinct species. EXAMPLE: Cabbage has many
varieties, such as wild cabbage, kohl-rabi, Brussel sprouts, collards, kale,
cauliflower, conical cabbage, Savoy cabbage and broad-leaved cabbage. These varieties
are impossible to distinguish in the early stages of growth and the flowers,
seedpods, and seeds are identical. The important thing is that the hundred
or so varieties of this natural species cross readily with one another and
produce fertile seed, but are unable to cross with any other natural species
and produce fertile offspring. This is not evolution but merely segregating out
the various genetic possibilities, which were latent in the original wild form.
A. The light source
established on the first day was next concentrated in two great Òlight-bearers,Ó
one for the day and one for the night (the sun and the moon). The Òlight-bearersÓ
(lights) were set Òin the firmament of the heaven (the atmospheric expanse of
space) to light upon the earth.Ó The stars were also made at this time, their
function also being to illumine the earth, as well as to serve for Òsigns and
seasons, for days and years,Ó NOTE: It is somewhat confusing to know what the
real meaning of ÒsignsÓ are.
Barnes, in his Commentary of Genesis, says,
They are ÒsignsÓ to devout faith, declaring the glory
of their Creator (cf. Psa. 8 and 19). They are ÒsignsÓ by which men get their
bearings, or the point of the compass by day or by night. They may convey ÒsignsÓ
in reference to future events (Matt. 2:2; Luke 21:25). They furnish quite
reliable ÒsignsÓ for determining in advance the weather to be expected (Matt.
16: 2-3). They may be ÒsignsÓ of divine judgments (Joel 2:30; Matt. 24:29).
B. There are two main views about the creation of the sun, moon
and stars, One holds that though the heavenly bodies were created in the
beginning their light was not able to penetrate through the mists until the
fourth day; the other, that the sun, moon and stars came into action on the
fourth day as the lights of the universe. It is possible that on the first day
the heavens were created in the rough, with the heavenly bodies in vast spaces
not yet functioning as they were made to do on the fourth day.
A. Genesis puts the creation of all basic types of land, plants
(including fruit trees) in the third day, two days before the creation of
marine creatures, whereas evolutionary geologists insist that marine creatures
came into existence hundreds of millions of years before fruit trees.
B. Genesis tells us that God made the sun, moon and stars on
the fourth day, after the creation of plants, whereas evolutionists assume that
the sun existed before the earth was formed.
C. Genesis states that the birds were created on the fifth day
with the fishes, but the geologic timetable has birds following reptiles (which
were not created until the sixth day).
D. Genesis puts the creation of insects (Òcreeping things) in
the sixth day, three days after flowering plants were created; but this would
be impossible if the days were ages, for pollination requires insects.